Maskapai Tunda Penerbitan Majalah Penerbangan untuk Cegah Penularan Corona
Kompas.com - 03/05/2020 Maskapai penerbangan Amerika Serikat tunda penerbitan majalah penerbangan Sementara itu, melansir The Points Guy,...

Southwest suspends snack and beverage service under new measures
Forget the pretzels. And put away your credit card. Southwest Airlines is introducing what it calls “stringent” new measures in response...

The future of inflight magazines
By Laurent Safar, CEO of Adaptive Channel on April 20, 2020 2020 has not been – and will, most likely, not be – the year that any of us...

Adaptive helps airlines reduce paper in-flight
Adaptive’s ACES IFE and digital press solution is helping airlines to reduce paper usage and improve their carbon footprints by removing...